Community Resource Council (CRC) hosted its beloved annual Set for Success event Thursday, Aug. 31, at Boothbay Region Elementary School (BRES).

Excited students rushed to their friends, talked about their summer breaks, met their teachers and got stocked up on all their necessary school supplies. In all, CRC estimates about 300 students took part in the event.

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“This event is another example of what makes the region so special. All these community partners coming together to ensure our kids are ‘Set for Success.’” 

- Robert Kahler, AOS98 Superintendent


Set for Success fundraising efforts allows each child who attends our schools the ability to start school with needed gear and a fun, welcome back event to help set each child up for a successful school year.

Your continued support helps us make our community stronger.

“Kids are off to a great start to the school year, and no one is left out due to financial barriers.”

- Peter Gardner, Community Resource Council


A community barbecue is held at BRES for all BRES, EES, and SCS families.

Many of our community resources and organizations are in attendance to provide you with information on the supportive resources we have throughout our community. 

“It feels so nice to start the school year as a community. It truly is a celebration and the excitement on the day is palatable!.”

- BRES Teacher

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